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MURR M12連接電纜 穆爾12外螺紋連接線
MURR M12連接電纜 穆爾12外螺紋連接線
  MURR M12連接電纜 穆爾12外螺紋連接線的詳細資料:

MURR M12連接電纜 穆爾12外螺紋連接線

Male straight  三芯外螺紋直型連接電纜
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 12001

Male straight, 3-pole, with open ended wires


Male straight   4芯直頭連接電纜
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 12021

Male straight, 4-pole, with open ended wires


Male straight   直頭五芯接頭
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 12041

Male straight, 5-pole, with open ended wires


Male straight   直頭
8-pole          8芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 17001

Male straight, 8-pole, with open ended wires


Male straight    直頭
8-pole           8芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 17001

Male straight, 8-pole, with open ended wires


Male straight  直頭外螺紋
12-pole        12芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 19001

Male straight, 12-pole, with open ended wires


Male 90°  L型外螺紋
3-pole     3芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 12081

Male 90°, 3-pole, with open ended wires


Male 90°  L型外螺紋接頭
4-pole     4芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 12101

Male 90°, 4-pole, with open ended wires


Male 90° L型接頭
5-pole    5芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 12121

Male 90°, 5-pole, with open ended wires



Male 90°L型接頭

8-pole   8芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 17021

Male 90°, 8-pole, with open ended wires

Male 90°L型接頭
8-pole   8芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 17021

Male 90°, 8-pole, with open ended wires


Male 90° L型接頭
12-pole   12芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 19021

Male 90°, 12-pole, with open ended wires

MURR M12連接電纜 穆爾12外螺紋連接線


Female 90° 彎頭內螺紋
5-pole      5芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 12361

Female 90°, 5-pole, with open ended wires


Female 90° 彎頭內螺紋
8-pole      8芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 17061

Female 90°, 8-pole, with open ended wires



Female 90° 彎頭內螺紋
12-pole     12芯
Art.-No. 7005 - M12 Lite - (plastic hexagonal screw) on request

Form No. 19061

Female 90°, 12-pole, with open ended wires

產品相關關鍵字: MURR M12連接電纜 穆爾12外螺紋連接線 MURR繼電器 德國murr穆爾中國代理商 穆爾M12接插件
 如果你對MURR M12連接電纜 穆爾12外螺紋連接線感興趣,想了解更詳細的產品信息,填寫下表直接與廠家聯(lián)系:


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  • 驗證碼:

現(xiàn)貨包郵德國SAMSON氣動控制器6493緊湊型  8.5863.1222.G321*德國庫伯勒KUEBlER編碼器  德國安沃馳Aventics二位五通換向閥RA14系列  巴士德Barksdale壓力開關C9622系列國內現(xiàn)貨 
DA030401S意大利歐瑪爾OMAL的執(zhí)行器原裝*現(xiàn)貨  VC-0.04-F1-PS/71德國克拉克KRACHT流量計德國原裝*  DCM 10-313德國費瑪Fema壓力開關  VSG8-KR+303-17526-2美國林肯LINCOLN分配器,林肯LINCOLN中國經(jīng)銷 
VAISAL維薩拉ADM70手持式露點儀特點/優(yōu)勢  芬蘭維薩拉VAISALA風向儀WAA151美國* 
東莞市廣聯(lián)自動化科技有限公司 版權所有 地址:東莞市南城區(qū)旺南大廈1號樓1506 電話:0769-89775372 傳真:0769-89775278 返回首頁
郵箱:1828558043@qq.com 管理登陸 ICP備案號:粵ICP備2022089575號


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